My Inky Animals have been my most faithful sellers, I owe those furry faces a lot! I've been meaning to expand the range for a while, and have finally had a bit of time to do so. They'll soon be able available as cards, phone cases and maybe some new products that are in the pipeline!
I still have a couple I'd like to work on, like a dog and a cow, which I think would be fun... Any suggestions to expand the range? I do take requests!
Just spent a rather marvellous snowy weekend with mates, just relaxing, eating, drinking, rediscovering Thunderbirds, and pushing the limits of crayons... First up, sticking them to a coffee frother to replicate old school Spirographs. Uncanny, no? Next we considered involving heat, and things started to get fun! I spose I should say, don't try this at home or without grown up paws helping and all that jazz, but meh! My bro has a mini blowtorch for "cooking." It also works really well melting crayons- either by setting the paper wrapper on fire and letting the wax drip, or shaving crayons with a knife (if you're going to make art dangerous, you may as well do it properly!) and melting the shavings directly onto a well water-soaked piece of paper. We also used a hairdryer to melt the crayons directly in a slightly less dramatic fashion. Finally we used the Aga hot plate as a toasty desk, and drew onto paper resting onto it. It's amazing how painterly the melted crayons looked. Definitely recommend for punchy colour fun. Not that bambinos are on the horizon yet, but I like to think that when they do appear, we'll find plenty of hands on fun things to do like this weekend. Maybe swapping wine for non-fermented fruits... And maybe less fire, maybe... A lovely lady spotted on my Facebook page my technique of painting in acrylic and using a craft knife to carve back to the white paper beneath. She set the theme and colour and after some back and forth, I happily created it. And how I got there...
Polished off a sign writing commission yesterday.
I've done plenty of these before, but always on actual signs, so if they went wrong I could just hide them. Here the only solutions to messing up were either a huge can of Magnolia, or burning the shop down, depending on how melodramatic I was feeling... Thankfully neither was necessary as I was quite pleased how the poem came out for The Banyan Tree, Brackley. I ache today though! Last year I submitted a design to be considered for a community mural at a school in Brackley for children to undertake. I didn't hear anything of it, so was most surprised when I bumped into it today parking somewhere I've never been before! They must've liked it after all.
A new preserve company contacted me through my Facebook page wanting a fresh and modern, yet painterly logo. Pretty much my favourite brief! I got a little carried away, churning out roughs to choose between before working up the final... A directional rethink meant that the company was going to take a more Chilli based approach. Back to the drawing board foas it were! And the final choice...
The Banyan Tree in Brackley - home of Fair Trade products and artisan crafts. Plus now some illustrated and photographic cards and hand printed fabric Kate Moby goods. Yay! Plus they are connected to some pretty exciting workshop news coming soon... Watch this space!
Someone spotted my inky animal friends on my Facebook post about my recent greetings card success and wished they could be phone covers... I hate to disappoint! Ta da!
November 2024
If my blog links take you to external websites, I may be receiving a commission for sharing these products. However, please know that all my reviews are my own thoughts and a true representation, and I would never share anything that I wouldn't or haven't personally used or enjoyed.