It would seem that my lil foray into events organising and retail was a success! The Plymouth Herald seemed to agree:
Shoppers had unusual gift choice Monday, November 23, 2009, 09:10 CHRISTMAS shoppers had a chance to buy something a little out of the ordinary this year. Arts students from the University of Plymouth showed off their talents at a Handmade House exhibition in Drake's Circus. Limited-edition items created by students included original artwork, prints, posters, T-shirts and many other two and three-dimensional creations The exhibition last week was part of the university's Enterprise Week and Global Entrepreneurship Week activities, and gave shoppers the chance to snap up alternatives to the mass-produced products in most high street stores. Money raised from the sale of the students' work will help to fund their exhibition at two of Britain's most prestigious showcases of new design talent, both in London. Free Range is the largest graduate creative showcase in Europe, and New Designers is the place for new design students to show their work to leading consultants, agencies and industry contacts.
Tomorrow, the 19th November, d day... Or H day! In Drake Circus outside the Apple store, myself and my comrades are selling works, prints, t shirts, bags, key rings, all kinds of goodies to the unsuspecting people of Plymouth!
9 till 9. If that's not tiring enough, I'll be jabbering on at 7am on BBC Radio Devon about how amazing it's going to be! Come check it out, say hey and maybe bag yourself a bargain! For the last few weeks, my housemate and I have been frantically creating work for an art fair in Torquay. Turns out we needn't have rushed, it's been postponed because of the nightmare weather last weekend, twas a trifle soggy... Here are a few pics of the preparation procedures! All products are available to buy, please use the contact form on the home page for enquiries. Let's hope we are more successful this weekend!
In July of this year, I entered some designs to an event planning committee to be considered as use for their poster. The event was to be held at the National Marine Aquarium, so I naturally thought OCEAN! I dyed some silk appropriate colours and photographed it blowing in the wind using a slow shutter setting to capture the movement... The organisers liked what I saw, so my chosen image eventually became leaflets and posters that looked a bit like this:
Wow, a whole blog just for me... Scary stuff! Thanks for checking out my site, very much under construction as it is... Hopefully there will be much more interesting things to see soon!!
November 2024
If my blog links take you to external websites, I may be receiving a commission for sharing these products. However, please know that all my reviews are my own thoughts and a true representation, and I would never share anything that I wouldn't or haven't personally used or enjoyed.