Recently I had an enjoyable commission from a bride who had bought my bird wedding place settings for her big day. She wanted a dainty table plan incorporating flowers and numbers that could easily be transported abroad for her destination wedding. This floral paper cut creation, designed to be used with pegs and ribbon was the result! I'm thinking of making this design available for general sale, any thoughts? If you have any wedding requirements, no matter how big, small or awkward, drop me a line!
One of my new stockists from Top Drawer January is now live! Check out the GB love. It's so good to see that people still appreciate when work is made in the UK! (Sneaky secret, it'll always be cheaper here on shhh.....)
This Sunday was the London market I mentioned a few weeks ago. It was a beaut of a day! The sun was shining, stock was flying and I accidentally coordinated with my stall. First sale of the day was a bamboo pen (standard) to a little boy with the surname Mowbray! The only downside was a lot of stock sold, but not as many cushions as I'd hoped. My incredibly patient husband lugged a sack of them all the way there and all the way back again! I'll definitely be putting my name forward for future events, but maybe with less cushions! Forgive the ropey phone pics, carrying a camera bag would've just tipped us over the edge! Don't you think a days worth of people trying out bamboo pens is just beautiful..?
Not that I've been particularly short of things to do, but recent birthdays, weddings and anniversaries of special people have bought out the urge to create some paper cut cards. I'm thinking of perhaps stocking these as products, what do you think? I almost prefer the shadows!
It's been on my "to visit and photograph" list for a long time, and was the perfect opportunity to try out my new wide angle lens.
A Victorian tame rainforest, prancing peacocks and a tree top walkway - what's not to love? It was a wonderful day (storm sheltering in deserted glass houses included) and gave me lots of inspiration for new designs! Watch this space... Just a few photos from the day below, I tried and failed to be restrained! Neil and I shared the camera, so if you think any of the photographs below are outstanding, they're probably his. I've undertaken a number of wedding shoots for a high end catering company. This time, they wanted me to cover a corporate event, as it would have a different feel and help them attract different types of clients. There were a number of challenges that made this quite an intense shoot, but overall I still managed to capture some images that I'm pleased with. The inspiration for the staff images came from beautiful Ottolenghi cookbooks.
A recent bride wanted stationery that incorporated a little bit of everything - flowers, bunting, hearts, birds, twine… I condensed all these elements down into simple forms, with the aim of achieving an elegant and modern take on these wedding staples!
November 2024
If my blog links take you to external websites, I may be receiving a commission for sharing these products. However, please know that all my reviews are my own thoughts and a true representation, and I would never share anything that I wouldn't or haven't personally used or enjoyed.