This is happening! Not only have I been handpicked for the "new talent" area Spotted Plus (which gives me double the space to display as I had in September), I've been selected by the Design Editor of The Telegraph Magazine as a featured British designer and manufacturer for their Product UK Showcase. Eek! If you're a retailer and are thinking of visiting, please let me know and I can send you a free entry voucher.
I'm not quite sure how it's happened, but somehow, moo have decided that I have lovely handwriting?! So if you've received any material on their latest marketing campaign for notecards, or a hand written press pack, chances are that I've jotted that down for you! Sometimes it seems our world is more digital than anything else, and the personal touch can seem like a gimmick. Time barely allows for such niceties as a handwritten note… But it should. Many birthdays have been anticipated by deciphering envelopes, working out where they’ve come from before ripping them to pieces! Or more importantly, who they’ve come from. Handwriting is one of those instantly personal things, and almost a part of someone’s personality.
It can also be immensely beautiful and a channel for enormous creativity. As a multi-faceted designer, (or a creative jack of all trades if you’re being less pretentious!) I’m as often behind a camera lens as designing in front of a computer screen. But one aspect that runs through my design work (I hope!) is a hand drawn, natural element. Sure, things get tweaked digitally, but more often than not, it’s started as a scribble on a sheet of paper. In a full circle-type gesture, these natural elements are more often not made with natural elements. My bamboo pens started by hacking at some twigs in my parent’s garden (which had to be pruned, honest!) and a spot of whittling with a junior hacksaw and a massive knife. Coupled with some drawing ink and some sumptuous paper, and you’ve got a recipe for visual beauty! They take a few uses to bed in, and as a natural product, they each have their own quirks and character, which is half the fun. I often use them in my illustration work, but they are equally as lovely for calligraphy and handwriting. There are many people more talented at lettering work than me, but not many writing tools that you can personalise as easily. So take a break, write a letter. Keep scribbling. I was fortunate to be asked to redesign a company Christmas newsletter for Meadow Quality Ltd. Their colours are blue and gold... Imagine a piece of A3 folded in half and double sided, and you may be able to picture what my design looked like! I couldn't resist adding some snowflakes that I rustled up in Illustrator. An improvement on the “in house” solution..?
November 2024
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