My amazingly techno Grandma is turning 80 soon, and asked for some pointers on designing her invites. I couldn't resist going a bit nuts and sending her lots of tea-party friendly ideas. I hope she has a day as lovely as she is! You might be able to spot the very subtle name and details change to keep her identity top secret...
Loving Britain? I am! Share the GB love. It's looking like believing in keeping manufacturing local is paying off! Check out the online shop here.
Today's bespoke order - a table runner of An Autumn Medley in Blue. Enjoy!
My University has got in touch to ask if I'd submit some interview responses to possibly be included in their new prospectus. If you happen to spot anything, please let me know!
And if you're a student with any creative queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We've all been there. I've been trundling my way through some lovely wholesale orders. If any of you are missing the Great British Sewing Bee I can easily occupy you!
Please, please, please read this if you're a trader who exhibits at shows, or just someone whose contact details might be in the public domain. You might save yourself a lot of hassle and even a lot of money. I've received a letter like this after each show I have done. The first time, I didn't realise that it was a scam until almost too late, so this time I thought I'd make sure no one falls into that trap. At first glance it looks like a letter from Top Drawer - the trade show I recently attended, but if you look closely, there is a very pale logo behind showing the real origin - a company based based in Mexico called Expo Guide. Attached is a form asking for up to date contact details. A fairly routine occurrence, and you might just absentmindedly fill it in and post it back. I've circled the really sneaky bits in red. There is no affiliation to the event, and filling out the form actually means you're signing up for a three year listing priced at 1271 Euros a year, or whatever they choose to call the equivalent in Mexican Pesos. DON'T DO IT!! Burn it or rip it up, or report it, but please don't fill it in (unless you think it sounds like a good deal!?) One of the images below shows the actual terms and conditions printed so palely that they are almost indecipherable. I've edited the image to make them possible to read. In my case, the letters have been sent after Top Drawer (this is what they have to say on the matter), but I expect that they probably target attendees of any trade shows. It only takes a handful of people to fill them out and then feel sufficiently threatened by the subsequent inevitable debt collecting letters to make it worth their while. Please share this with anyone you think might be a target, and hopefully one day they might cease to exist. That's all a bit serious. Here's a picture of a cow to cheer us up :)
November 2024
If my blog links take you to external websites, I may be receiving a commission for sharing these products. However, please know that all my reviews are my own thoughts and a true representation, and I would never share anything that I wouldn't or haven't personally used or enjoyed.